Beginning again.

January is the time for resolutions. I optimistically set mine just like everyone else. In January, I declared that I would make 2020 the year of “courage, songwriting and recording an album”. 

In the winter, this declaration felt vague. I worked toward recording demos of the piano/vocal parts of my songs and finished five. But I didn’t have a vision for how it would all come together, and if I’d even be capable of recording another album this year. 

Then, Covid. Guess I won’t be performing this year. I decided to drop the music project altogether, opting to focus on writing and my business. 

But the music wouldn't leave me alone. I left it, but it kept coming back to me. I'd look at a mile-long to-do list and still somehow find myself on the basement keyboard, writing and singing, beyond my better judgement. 

Last month, something shifted. Perhaps it was the big emotional wave of the last half-year settling. My feet landed on the sand and I felt, yes, I need to do this. I recorded five more demos in a week. I connected with the producer of my first album, and we began hustling for album grants and patching together a lineup for studio recordings. 

Now, a couple of weeks later, with a grant application submitted, a marketing plan created, and recording dates in July booked, it’s all very real, very quickly. 

Michael Van Betuw and I will be the main performers on the album - the longest threads. As for the rest, we'll see. 

This afternoon we’ll be working out a schedule and setting up some Covid-friendly jams for the end of the month. Fortunately, my province has been relatively sheltered from the pandemic - we can convene to practice and record. 

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you. 
